04 April, 2005


Today's debate and debaters

Hello bloggers!

How about this subject for debate tonight?

It's from the argument essays # 53:

"Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age?"

Let's have 5 people be prepared to speak FOR:

Fizal, Haleemuddin, Mohamed Attaulah, Mohamed Saad and Ekaterina

Then 5 people AGAINST:

Ahmed Heikal, Ehab, Waiel, Mujtaba and Masoud

Last week's debators - Tony, Yasmeen, Mahra and Moh'd Saeed decide WHO they want to hear - 2 / 3 (?) speakers from each side.

Be prepared to speak for TWO minutes MAXIMUM. I shall listen and summarize.

The non debators shall listen, make notes and decide which team made the better argument, giving their reasons.

OK, over to you!

All the best


Remember in the IELTS Speaking, you have only 60 seconds to prepare for your "long turn".
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