29 March, 2005


RE-POSTING OF Ekaterina's Introduction

Hi bloggers

Ekaterina sent this essay intro this morning at 4.00 am - a very late owl! My edits are below:

It has been commonly considered that computer is the most progressive and useful technological invention of 20th century, which is widely applied in educational industry. Some people might hold the view that computers don’t facilitate and improve learning process and traditional teaching is the best approach to it. While others contend that computer-based learning soon will substitute conventional. I am of the opinion that integration of these both essential factors into each other is the way to make teaching more effective.

Tue Mar 29, 04:01:00 AM GST

It has been commonly considered that computers are the most progressive and useful technological invention of the 20th century in the field of education. Some people hold the view that computers do not facilitate and improve the learning process and traditional teaching is the best approach. While there are others who contend that computer-based learning will soon replace conventional teaching. I am of the opinion that the integration of these two essential factors is the way to make teaching more effective.

Tuesday 29 March 8.14am Tony's comments
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