17 March, 2005


Have a great weekend!

Just saying hello and sorry to people having problems with joining the team.

We aren't getting many posts (except for Yasmeen , bless her!). I hope you've been accessing this site anyway.

I'll ask my IT 'guru' - the Council's Director of Studies, Peter Williams, on how to overcome these technical teething troubles.

I'm getting a new PC over the weekend and hope to be on Broadband next week - the Information Superhighway beckons!

So over to you, my fellow bloggers as I have to spend some quality time with my little princess, Zeena and my wonderful wife, Aida, over the next few days.

I'll try my best to answer any queries / problems. I'm working on a handout to help you with speaking strategies and expressions to use in the Interview.

I will be looking at ieltsmagic.blogspot and will comment on any postings / work posted and so on between now and Saturday.

Whatever you do, relax and have fun with family and friends.

Next week we'll be in Room 8 (other side - first floor) and we'll start motoring.

Put your seatbelts on and enjoy the ride!

Take care


3.47pm, Wednesday 16 march
What Haleem "meant" and what he "wrote" are not necessarily the same.

I knew what he meant and thank you, Mohammed, for gently pointing out his mistake!

I love, simply adore correct, conscientious spelling - maybe because I learned the basic, old-fashioned way in a Roman Catholic primary school in the 1950's !!!!
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